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P-3 The industry of advance care planning – is it getting in the way of good care?
  1. Jackie Kearney
  1. Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria, Australia


Background There are many components to successful advance care planning (ACP). There is the language, the conversation, the forms, the law, the players. ACP is contested space, with many people defining ACP in relation to their specific role.

Aim This presentation aims to identify and explore the challenges of integrating ACP into day to day organisational practice.

Methods Advance care planning: have the conversation; A strategy for Victorian health services 2014–2018 is refocusing stakeholders implementation of ACP by:

  • Making the person central

  • Integrating a values-based approach

  • Making it everyone’s business

  • Seeing it as part of usual care

  • Expecting strong organisational leadership

  • Confirming ACP is supported by existing legal frameworks

Discussion Where should our focus be if we are to succeed in supporting people to make advance care plans and feel confident that these will be respected? This presentation will assert that we need to not be distracted by an ACP ‘industry’ if we are to make significant impacts in implementation.

Conclusion A refocusing from the ACP ‘industry’ towards messages that embed ACP across organisational practices would provide a better foundation for successfully implementing ACP.

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