Table of contents
September 2015 - Volume 5 - Suppl 2
5th International Conference on Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care (ACPEL) 9–12 September 2015 Munich, Germany
- Oral Abstracts
- Opening Ceremony, Plenary and Panel Discussion
- Plenary 1— Incorporating ACP into health care systems – what can we learn from successful policies?
- Themed Concurrent Session 1 – Theme 1: ACP concepts/research methods
- Themed Concurrent Session 1 – Theme 2: Facilitation I
- Themed Concurrent Session 1 – Theme 3: End-of-Life Care
- Themed Concurrent Session 1 – Theme 4: Nursing homes
- Plenary 2: ACP meets money – health economic considerations
- Themed Concurrent Session 2 – Theme 1: (Regional) implementation
- Themed Concurrent Session 2 – Theme 2: Facilitation II (Decision aids)
- Themed Concurrent Session 2 – Theme 3: Cultural Issues
- Themed Concurrent Session 2 – Theme 4: Principal Issues
- Themed Concurrent Session 2 – Theme 5: Primary care/elderly/dementia
- Plenary 3: Current and future challenges of improving EOLC by means of ACP
- Concurrent Panel Session 1: Patient-specific challenges of ACP: Dementia/Geriatrics
- Concurrent Panel Session 1: Patient-specific challenges of ACP: Oncology
- Concurrent Panel Session 1: Patient-specific challenges of ACP: Pediatrics
- Concurrent Panel Session 1: Patient-specific challenges of ACP: Mental Health
- Concurrent Panel Session 1: Patient-specific challenges of ACP: Chronic Organ Failure
- Concurrent Panel Session 2: Setting-specific ACP – strengths and challenges: Regions
- Concurrent Panel Session 2: Setting-specific ACP – strengths and challenges: Nursing Homes
- Concurrent Panel Session 2: Setting-specific ACP – strengths and challenges: EXTRA: Legal & Policy Issues
- Concurrent Panel Session 2: Setting-specific ACP – strengths and challenges: Hospital
- Concurrent Panel Session 2: Setting-specific ACP – strengths and challenges: Primary Care
- Keynote
- Invited Workshops
- Plenary 4: Quality, Evaluation and Research
- Poster
- 1) Implementation of advance care planning
- 2a) Advance care planning in hospitals
- 2b) Advance care planning in nursing facilities
- 2c) Advance care planning in primary care/outpatient care
- 3a) Advance care planning with focus on specific diseases
- 3b) Advance care planning with focus on specific socio-cultural backgrounds
- 4a) Facilitation
- 4b) Quality of advance care planning: Education
- 4c) Quality of advance care planning: Application
- 5) End-of-life care