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P-206  Reaching the wider need – a pilot – the orchard supportive care clinic
  1. Charlotte Williams,
  2. Glenys Le Poidevin and
  3. Bev Aplin
  1. St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Chichester, UK


Hospice care continues to meet the needs of only a minority of patients who have specialist palliative care needs, either because prognosis is uncertain, patients themselves are not ready to accept ‘hospice’ or referrer/referee do not directly consider palliative care needs or prognosis. Indeed, many patients with non-cancer diagnoses will never see a palliative care specialist despite complex symptomatology and psychological morbidity. Recognising this gap, St Wilfrid’s Hospice developed a pilot clinic to bridge a gap in provision: accepting any patient with complex physical or psychological symptoms needing specialist clinical support/advice -associated with a chronic life-limiting illness of any diagnosis (or its treatment related symptom burden.) Prognosis could exceed 12 months (unlike hospice criteria) or be unestablished/uncertain. The clinic aims were to promote proactive management- including self-management of symptoms, provide information for both patient and carers, offer an advance care planning course and breathlessness/fatigue management course, and provide general emotional support. The multidisciplinary team included a palliative care consultant, 2 CNSs, occupational and physiotherapy, a complementary/art therapy and a volunteer.

65 patients were referred (9 declined input, one died before seen, six were too unwell), 40% of these had non- cancer diagnoses. 60% of referrals came from secondary care (commonest specialities-respiratory, neurology and urology.) Of the 49 patients seen in OSCC, 21 were later transferred to the main hospice caseload as their illness progressed; 12 then died once under the care of the main hospice, all of whom had completed advance care planning before transfer. Patients able to self-report symptoms completed Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scores (ESAS) at initial and follow up consultation. Most striking was the significant degree of psychological distress reported by 85% of the patients and cited as the main reason for referral. This was reflected in higher ESAS scores in the psychological domain and an impact on wellbeing scores.

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