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  1. F Gishen1,2 and
  2. M Wood1,3
  1. 1Marie Curie Hospice, Hampstead
  2. 2UCL Medical School
  3. 3University of Roehampton


Introduction Following a review of organisational culture in 2013, Schwartz Centre Rounds (SCR) were introduced to Marie Curie Hospice Hampstead (MCHH). Aiming to promote a ‘one hospice’ ethos, the SCR were chosen as an evidence-based tool to address psychological issues felt by staff managing the increasingly complex physical and emotional burden of palliative care delivery. Unlike in NHS hospitals in which SCR are usually conducted, which have large numbers of staff, MCHH is a hospice with a relatively small pool of staff. Consequently, there were reservations about the Rounds being effective in this setting, and initially trepidation from staff concerned about sharing and exposing their emotions.

Aim(s) and method(s) Facilitators underwent the training licensed and delivered by the Point of Care Foundation. A multi-professional steering group met regularly to choose topics for discussion at the SCR. Panel members for each session were chosen from a range of multi-professional backgrounds. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using Point of Care standardised evaluation forms. Process reflections on running the Rounds were systematically captured by the trained facilitators.

Results So far over 140 people have attended four Rounds (April–November 2014), with 85% response rate evaluation forms. Descriptive statistics, thematic analysis of SCR participants' written feedback and anecdotal observations will be reported in the poster. Factors required to sustain and improve the smooth running of Rounds will be identified.

Conclusions The introduction of the Schwartz Centre Rounds in a small hospice requires commitment and hard work from its facilitators, and support from senior management. With these in place, the Rounds at MCHH have so far, made a considerable positive impact on its staff culture and consequently patient care.

  • Supportive care

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