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04 St Joseph’s 1st Contact Team. A New Innovative Multiprofessional Model
  1. Margaret Boyle,
  2. Ruth Bradley and
  3. Angie Morris
  1. St Joseph’s Hospice, London, uk


Background The development of a new innovative service the St Joseph’s First Contact Team was identified in April 2012 as the critical project to commence the 3 year transformational change programme to develop community services. This pilot aspired to improve access to the ‘front door’ of St Joseph’s, improving response times for patients, their families and carer’s, ensuring all those referred were appropriately signposted to the whole range of services provided appropriate for them. The team consists of multi-professionals who are either in the team physically or as virtual members.

Aims of the Service were To provide high quality, patient and carer focused, value driven services and experiences To meet the changing needs of local communities

Be more responsive to our local communities

Meet the strategic priorities of local Clinical Commissioning Groups and GPs

Continue to meet the mission and core values of the Hospice

Encourage innovation and develop staff

Share specialist knowledge and skills of end of life care with community partners

Approach Used Utilising transformational change methodology, working groups were established to develop the project and to guide and influence service development. Patient and service users were consulted and their views informed the service model.

Outcomes Outcomes-were measured using quantitative data demonstrating activity, referrals response times and user feedback. Qualitative review of assessments undertaken by the FCT and other related professionals during the pilot period was undertaken. Various methodologies were used to collect data including user and staff surveys and the PAL care system.

Applications to Practice The first contact team has transformed how we respond to our referrals and has promoted multi professional working and greater understanding of the range of services offered to patients, carers and families. A working group led by the Lead Nurse will continue to develop and monitor the quality and service to meet the changing needs of our diverse communities.

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