Table 1

Overview of included review articles relating to grief and bereavement of family/friends

Author, yearJurisdictionStudy typeSubjects/texts (time since MAiD)DemographicsType of MAiDMain questionMain findings/concepts
Andriessen et al, 20205 Multiple/not specifiedSystematic Review10 primary research articlesNSMultipleAssess grief and mental health of people bereaved by euthanasiaBereaved individuals following euthanasia had similar to lower scores of disordered grief, mental health, and PTSD
Secrecy and lack of social support increase grief
Gamondi et al, 201910 Multiple/not specifiedSystematic Review19 primary research articlesNSMultipleReview family experiences of assisted dyingThemes that represent experiences:
Context of the decision
Grounding the decision
Cognitive and emotional work
Experiencing the final farewell
Grief and bereavement
Goldberg et al, 202145 Multiple/not specifiedNSQualitative and quantitative articlesNSMultipleSummarise experiences and perspectives of caregiversCaregivers viewed MAID more favourably than dying by natural causes
It is unclear leads to better outcomes for caregivers, but psychosocial support is needed
Lowers et al, 20207 Multiple/not specifiedNarrative synthesis34 end-of-life caregiving studies
eleven hastened death caregiving studies
NSMultipleExplore experiences of family and friends providing care at home at end of life for hastened deathCaregivers actively work toward patient’s goal of a peaceful death in hastened death studies
HCPs play a major role in natural death and hastened death, and their understanding of legal abilities and personal willingness to provide practical support affect caregivers’ satisfaction
Ontario HIV Treatment Network, 2017Multiple/not specifiedNSNS‘mostly white… college educated’MultipleIdentify impact of MAID on family and friendsThere are shared responsibilities between patients, family members and HCPs
Opportunity to discuss death is important
Roest et al, 201916 NetherlandsSystematic Review14 primary research articlesNSMultipleExplore family member involvement in MAID in the NetherlandsFour themes identified:
Family-related reasons not to request MAID
Responsibilities during decision-making and performance of MAID
Grief after MAID is complicated
Physician-family relationship is important
  • HCPs, healthcare professionals; MAiD, medical assistance in dying; NS, not significant; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder .