Table 1

Patient characteristics and background of CDSUD requests

Rejection (n=2)Delay then no CDSUD (n=18)Delay then CDSUD (n=13)Immediate CDSUD (n=9)Total (n=42)
Sex, male09 (50)7 (54)5 (56)21 (50)
Age in years, mean56 (SD=6)68.7 (SD=13)66.1 (SD=10.1)61.4 (SD=2065.7 (SD=13.7)
College education level+1 (50)13 (72)10 (77)5 (56)29 (69)
Financial difficulties1 (50)01 (8)02 (5)
Control profile2 (100)13 (72)10 (77)6 (67)31 (74)
Spirituality002 (15)02 (5)
Social isolation01 (6)1 (8)02 (5)
Performance status
 102 (11)2 (15)04 (9)
 201 (6)4 (31)2 (22)7 (17)
 31 (50)9 (50)4 (31)4 (44)18 (43)
 41 (50)6 (33)3 (23)3 (33)13 (31)
Cancer1 (50)16 (89)9 (69)8 (89)34 (81)
 Digestive010 (56)2 (15)1 (11)13 (31)
 Gynaecological1 (50)2 (11)3 (23)1 (11)7 (17)
 Pulmonary001 (8)3 (33)4 (10)
 Head and neck002 (15)02 (5)
 Brain02 (11)002 (5)
 Haematological0002 (22)2 (5)
 Urological0001 (11)1 (2)
 Sarcoma001 (8)01 (2)
 Primary unknown01 (6)001 (2)
 Skin01 (6)001 (2)
 ALS1 (50)2 (11)3 (23)06 (14)
 Cystic fibrosis0001 (11)1 (2)
 Respiratory failure001 (8)01 (2)
Symptoms*  2 (100) 17 (94)13 (100)9 (100)41 (98)
Psychoexistential suffering2 (100)12 (67)12 (92)5 (56)29 (69)
Pain1 (50)9 (50)6 (47)3 (33)18 (43)
Dyspnoea06 (33)5 (38)5 (56)17 (41)
Major depressive state2 (100)6 (33)5 (38)3 (33)16 (38)
Major depressive state untreated1 (50)2 (11)2 (15)2 (22)7 (17)
Depressive state non-assessed07 (39)3 (23)4 (44)14 (33)
Major anxiety08 (44)4 (31)2 (22)14 (33)
Nausea-vomiting/diarrhoea/ occlusion05 (28)1 (8)3 (33)10 (24)
Agitation001 (8)01 (2)
None01 (6)001 (2)
Context of the request
Initial request for euthanasia1 (50)11 (61)9 (69)6 (67)27 (64)
Ambivalence2 (100)11 (61)7 (54)020 (48)
High-intensity demand013 (72)11 (85)9 (100)33 (79)
Ambivalence and high-intensity demand09 (50)
5 (38)014 (33)
Trigger1 (50)8 (44)9 (69)7 (78)25 (60)
Invasive equipment03 (17)3 (23)4 (44)9 (21)
Pressure of the entourage1 (50)2 (11)5 (38)3 (33)11 (26)
Cognitive disorders01 (6)1 (8)02 (5)
  • *Some symptoms could be present simultaneously.

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; CDSUD, continuous deep sedation until death.