Table 3

Psychosocial factors

Psychosocial factorsAuthors
Mental healthCognitive impairment23
Depression16 18–20 24 29 55 57 69 98 100 107–109 140 141
Dependency and loss of controlBeing a burden to family13 15 29 33 34 88 91 107 110
Dependency98 111
Autonomy/control15 75 90 107 112–115
Existential sufferingDignity68 106 114 119
Loss of self119
Meaning of life12 32 106 108 109
Suffering17 101 107 114 115 120
Anxiety11 13 17–19 24 29 33 55 68 69 71 83 88 98 104 106–108 112 114 115 119 124 135 140
Hopelessness35 75 107 121
Loneliness, social isolation19 29 69 75 107
Quality of lifeQuality of life19 20 24 36 51 69 73 75 90 91 93 94 116 119 122 123
Influences from significant othersInfluences from healthcare professionals4 26 31 92 119 124–126
Influences from family and friends24 26 31 106 109 124 127 128
Coping with the disease and experiences with therapyCoping style16 25 129
Experiences with therapy26 129 130