Table 4

Explanatory power of different sets of variables on admission in the last year of life, bed days and deaths in hospital

Admissions Bed days Died in hospital
Variable groupD.F.Mean squareF valuePercentage of ‘explained’F valuePercentage of ‘explained’F valuePercentage of ‘explained’
Patient characteristics
 Age bands412 586.73295.2 11.1 106.04 0.4 428.21 0.7
 Sex11687.5441.8 0.4 15.79 0.0 181.82 0.1
 Ethnicity92251.7589.5 4.5 372.13 3.4 42.64 0.2
 IMD (excluding health)1536.4140.4 0.1 213.99 0.2 193.82 0.1
 Population density187.322.9 0.0 219.84 0.2 179.1 0.1
Clinical/health characteristics
 Diagnostic group1442055.3538.1 65.0 356.65 52.6 970.73 57.0
 Cause of death116369.896.8 9.4 112.10 13.3 753.39 35.7
 Number of long-term conditions9202.152.9 0.4 10.90 0.1 17.88 0.1
 Charlson Index21162.142.4 0.7 34.31 0.7 256.72 2.2
Local health system
 List size GP13.61.0 0.0 3.65 0.0 3.44 0.0
 Number of GP FTE127.57.2 0.0 9.39 0.0 12.63 0.0
 Access to care home/hospice beds179.120.7 0.0 52.28 0.1 103.17 0.0
 Predominant hospital364104.627.4 8.4 77.34 28.8 26.48 3.9
  • Note all variables sig in all models at p<0.001 except GP list size where p>0.01 in all models. D.F., Degrees of Freedom; FTE, Full Time Equivalent; GP, General Practitioner; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation.