Table 3

Number and percentages of patients receiving the evidence-based target dose of pharmacological treatments for CHF

PREFER BLPREFER EOSChange %p valueControl BLControl EOSChange %p value
Number of patients36313633
ACEI/ARB16 (44)19 (61)+170.1715 (42)14 (42)00.95
BB7 (19)7 (23)+40.755 (14)7 (21)+70.26
MRA10 (28)15 (48)+200.0813 (36)13 (39)+30.78
  • Data are given as n (%). The change in percentages between BL and the EOS is shown.

  • ACEI, ACE inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BB, β receptor blocker; BL, baseline; CHF, chronic heart failure; EOS, end of study; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; PREFER, Palliative advanced homecaRE and heart FailurE caRe.