Table 2

Characteristics of identified palliative patients and palliative care they received

Patients of trained GPs (n=46)Patients of untrained GPs (n=73)P Value
Number of identified patients median (min-max)3 (2–8)2 (1–7)0.046
Age in years median (min-max)74.5 (39–96)70 (10–98)0.064
Male gender* n (%)20 (43.5)35 (54.7)0.544
Primary diagnosis* n (%)0.630
 Cancer34 (75.6)58 (79.5)
 COPD2 (4.4)1 (1.4)
 CHF0 (0)0 (0)
 Other†9 (20)14 (19.2)
Expected lifetime weeks median (min-max)16 (2–100)20 (1–82)0.728
Expected remaining lifetime ≥4 weeks* n (%)43 (93.5)47 (64.4)0.062
Missing<s> expected life time n (%)3 (7)14 (19)
Current monthly contact frequency median (min-max)4 (0–24)2 (1–36)0.690
Contact(s) per patient with own
GP last month ≥1 monthly n (%)
By phone office hours25 (52.1)19 (27.5)0.025
By consultation office hours14 (27.5)12 (17.6)0.243
Home visits office hours41 (80.4)60 (85.7)0.739
GP informed out-of-hour service about patient* n (%)26 (56.5)45 (61.6)0.324
Type of dimensions* n (%)
 Somatic25 (54.3)39 (53.4)0.852
 Social and financial7 (15.2)7 (9.6)0.564
 Activities of daily living (ADL)24 (52.2)30 (41.1)0.455
 Spiritual and psychological19 (41.3)17 (23.3)0.103
Number of dimensions median (minimum–maximum)2 (0–4)1 (0–4)0.266
Number of dimensions* n (%)
 0 dimensions20 (43.5)31 (42.5)
 1 dimension1 (0.02)7 (0.1)
 2 dimensions5 (0.3)20 (43.5)
 ≥3 dimensions20 (43.5)15 (20.5)0.024
Type of disciplines* yes (%)
 Physiotherapist1 (2)7 (10)0.141
 Spiritual caregiver2 (4)5 (7)0.700
 Social work0 (0)2 (3)0.515
 Medical specialist34 (74)49 (67)0.416
 Palliative care consultant3 (7)7 (10)0.738
 Psychologist0 (0)2 (3)0.515
 Home care (nurse)19 (41)21 (29)0.323
 Volunteers2 (4)12 (16)0.043
 Number of disciplines median (min-max)2 (0–4)2 (0–5)0.849
  • *=Fisher exact for categorical variables. Other p values are Mann Whitney tests.

  • †Combination of CHF, COPD and cancer or another disease such as dementia, neurological causes or kidney failure. Data are mean (SD) or n (%). Some percentages do not sum to 100% because of rounding.

  • CHF, chronic heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GP, general practitioner.

  • Bold indicates statistically significant p-values.