Table 2

Perceived susceptibility subthemes with illustrative quotations

Perceived susceptibility subthemesParticipant quotations
Personal experience with ill healthBut when I got the secondaries you know they only go in remission they don't go away and so that's when I went and did [AD form].
Family experience with ill health…we're in the process of contemplating that [AD form]. My wife has ovarian cancer and we are discussing this very subject at the moment.
Experiences of end-of-life care…but to keep a person alive as such, he couldn't talk, he couldn't drink, he couldn't eat… that is cruel. And that's where these [AD forms] should be.
Change in life circumstancesYou know your children are leaving you and you're going to be left on your own, why don't you go and make some arrangements?
Prompting from doctorThe way [doctor] put it, if you fell down dead out there now do you want me to resuscitate you?