Table 6

Current procedures and practices around advanced care planning (ACP) in residential aged care facilities as reported by staff survey respondents

Actions taken when a resident/family member raises ACP issues% Usually taking this action*
 Senior nursing staff54.5
 Resident's GP65.6
 Another family member24.1
Formally document discussions78.6
Don't know what to do3.8
Documentation of ACP discussions in facility% Endorsing this option*
Not documented12.0
Recorded in
 Clinical notes by nursing staff97.1
 Clinical notes by GP84.8
 Clinical notes by allied health staff50.0
 Resident care plan79.3
 ‘Not for resuscitation’ form97.2
 End-of-life care/palliative care plan94.1
 A specific ACP form41.4
 Admission documentation65.5
  • *Percentages calculated from those responding to question.

  • GP, general practitioner.