Table 1

Characteristics of participants in interviews

N=59Per centRangeMedian
Location in England
 North West2339
 South West3661
Gender of carer
Age of carer
Ethnicity of carer
 White British5695
 White other23
 Black Caribbean12
Relationship to deceased
Gender of deceased
Age of deceased
Time cared for in the home2 weeks—11 years11 months
Cause of death
 Heart disease610
 Old age58
 Renal failure12
Occupation of carer
 Modern professional1729
 Senior managers35
 Semi-routine manual712
 Routine manual35
 Middle/junior managers59
 Traditional professional23
 No paid employment59
Occupation of deceased
 Modern professional1320
 Senior managers12
 Semi-routine manual59
 Routine manual610
 Middle/junior managers814
 Traditional professional59
 No paid employment610
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PD, Parkinson's disease.