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P-234 Spiritual care support without walls at rowcroft hospice
  1. Jo Anthony,
  2. Katie Sturch,
  3. Bev Stevenson,
  4. Daniela Hopkins,
  5. Nicola Monks,
  6. David Holmes,
  7. Dawn Stirk,
  8. Julie Lofthouse and
  9. Gill Horne
  1. Rowcroft Hospice, Torquay, UK


Background Spirituality is a hugely important part of the end of a person’s life: what matters to them most, who they are; their story; their friends/family; those that care for them. When the hospice’s existing Anglican Chaplain retired after 17 years, an opportunity arose for us to review our provision of spiritual care, moving away from a traditional chaplaincy model to support our ever-changing communities. Evidence, identified as part of the process, highlighted the gaps in the care we already provide.

Aim To create an updated model for spiritual care, led by a newly appointed Spiritual Care Specialist, achieving inclusive support for all that come in to contact with Rowcroft regardless of religion, beliefs, faith, or no-faith.

Method September 2018 – Jan 2019: we conducted a service evaluation, set up a Task and Finish Group which consisted of core representation across the organisation; different nurses from the ward attended each group, undertook a literature review, contacted other hospices, hospitals and Healthwatch Torbay, developed a Spiritual Care Model and gained Senior Management Board and Trustees buy-in.

Results A Spiritual Care Specialist was appointed. The existing on-site Chapel was de-registered and renamed The Sanctuary. Marriages, celebrations and other events for all (regardless of faiths, beliefs, religions) can take place in the space, also providing a ‘quiet’ space. There are seven further recommendations within the new model that will now be progressed to fully achieve the desired outcomes with the help of a Spiritual Care ‘Custodian’ Group.

Conclusion Challenging the traditional ‘chaplaincy’ role, creating a new model of care to match the changes in the local communities and across the country, has been a huge transformation within the organisation. Our new Spiritual Care Specialist will ensure our organisation is fully inclusive, meeting the needs of all Rowcroft patients, relatives, carers, staff and volunteers.

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