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P-200 St mary’s living well centre – working collaboratively to make a difference earlier
  1. Val Stangoe
  1. St Mary’s Hospice, Ulverston, UK


Barrow-in-Furness residents die 10 years earlier than local peers, 61% over 65 live with disability and the town rates high in fiscal and health deprivation. Despite the town’s level of need, in 2018 only half the expected GSF 1% used hospice services. This project is based on the belief that we need to reach more people but cannot allow this to mean ever spiralling costs. We set a target of 70 more people for each of five years.

Our work with partners lets us engage earlier with more people, particularly those who may not previously have considered hospice services as being for them. A side benefit of working with partners is the development of smoother referral pathways. Working through others’ resources keeps costs sustainable and relatively constant.

The clinical service is delivered from a building shared with our furniture warehouse to keep costs low and increase public visibility. We actively sought centre partners who were already working with our target client groups and also approached those holding community wellbeing assets (such as art, craft and exercise) offering opportunities to meet their own targets by providing no cost services to our centre users.

From November 2018 to May 2019 monthly footfall rose to 250, through engagement with those living with advancing lung disease, dementia, neurological conditions and stroke. Classes provided by Adult Education and the local leisure centre which start in the Summer should increase this to nearer 330. Our local ICCs are part of our Steering Group and now planning to include cardiac conditions.

As our hospice is continually pressed by limited income, increased aging and the need to reach hard to reach groups, we are finding this centre has addressed those issues at minimal cost whilst enhancing the profile we have with local funders and supporters.

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