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P-161 Inpatient supportive self-management innovation – wellbeing café pilot
  1. Margretta Davies and
  2. Vicky Gibson
  1. Sue Ryder Hospice, Thorpe Hall, Peterborough, UK


Background Rehabilitative palliative care can positively promote overall wellbeing and best practice highlights facilitating supportive self-management groups (SSMGs) (Hospice UK, 2015). The need for SSMGs was identified in our inpatient unit (IPU) patient, carer and staff feedback. The wellbeing café emerged as the most promising option. This enables isolated patients and carers opportunity to socialise and optimise their functional potential through tailored educational talks and activities.


  • Promote wellbeing;

  • Reduce social isolation;

  • Offer SSMGs that are flexible and can be tailored to meet needs in the group;

  • Teach symptom self–management strategies, enable sharing of peer support and tips;

  • Task practice activity e.g. making own cup of tea in preparation for discharge.

AimsEvaluation at 12 weeks will focus on pre- and post- sessions wellbeing scores, satisfaction and feedback comments.

Method October 2018 - February 2019: service evaluation, feedback, development of pilot.

March 2019 - May 2019: engagement with senior management and all hospice teams. Development of promotional material.

May 2019 - ongoing: Wellbeing café pilot commenced and is facilitated by staff and a volunteer. Services users are informed about the Wellbeing Café whilst on IPU and provided with a leaflet.

June 2019: Interim six -week evaluation, feedback to quality improvement group, meeting with marketing manager.

Results Anticipated results for the 12-week pilot is that wellbeing scores would be maintained or improved. Interim results at six weeks include:

  • Attendance, 21;

  • Feedback comments are extremely positive;

  • 100% report that they have found the sessions helpful;

  • 100% report that they would attend again.

Conclusion The Wellbeing Café has proved beneficial during this initial 6-week period. Evaluation comments are extremely positive in relation to subjective wellbeing. Streamlining the referral process, reviewing practicalities and time commitment involved in assisting service users to the café is required. The Wellbeing Café’s success and sustainability will be strengthened by nominating champions and continued hospice team engagement.

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