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P-75 Improved management practice through a focused development programme
  1. Elizabeth Pattison
  1. Peace Hospice Care, Watford, UK


Background In 2016 we introduced a Management Development Programme for senior managers. Programme evaluation highlighted benefits: managers bonded, gained a sense of collective responsibility, felt more confident in their roles and improved their communication within teams. Consequently, the programme was repeated for next level of management.

Aims To evaluate this second programme using the Kirkpatrick Model (Evaluating training programs, 1994), focusing on impact of managers’ behaviours in relation to implementation of policies and performance management.

Method After modules attendees completed an evaluation/feedback questionnaire that measured reaction (level 1 evaluation) and learning (level 2 evaluation). Changes in behaviour (level 3 evaluation) were undertaken through individual interviews and group reflection session.

Results Initial reactions of attendees (Level 1):

  • 99.5% agreed course was relevant to them;

  • 96.5% agreed quality of training was high;

  • 95.5% agreed session(s) would be useful in their work.

Learning (level 2) was evaluated through the question ‘How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training?’ This question was answered 57% of the time and answers included: improvement in communication, confidence, management style. Some 18% of those who answered said they needed to reflect.

Examples given of subsequent changes in management behaviour (level 3 evaluation) included: increased confidence and assertiveness in performance management and management styles, more proactive sickness absence management, improved job descriptions and interview questions resulting in recruitment of higher calibre employees.

Quantitative longer-term results (level 4 evaluation) have yet to be established. Financial savings have been made through the proper management of long-term sickness absence.

Conclusion Evaluation of results (level 4) of this programme is ongoing through sickness absence, exit questionnaire, staff survey, performance management and appraisal monitoring. We plan to extend the programme in 2020/21.

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