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P-73 Principles of lean management and facilitating staff engagement: ‘GET ON’ board
  1. Ruth Frost,
  2. Sarah Bradfield and
  3. Gail Ewins
  1. Garden House Hospice Care, Letchworth, UK


Background Recently clinical team leaders across all clinical services attended ‘Lean’ training in order to support cultural change within the organisation and focus on more efficient processes to eliminate waste and maximise customer value. This training included the use of information boards within departments.

Aim To utilise information boards to foster staff engagement, by supporting teams to understand how the work they are doing fits in with the organisational strategic objectives, and accountability for performance at all levels and to improve communication.

Method The information boards were set up to provide a powerful communication and problem-solving tool, with team information and performance physically displayed on boards. Sections include: celebrate success, highlight issues/irritations, ideas/inspirations and areas to improve.

The data section contains the metrics each team needs to judge how well it is doing and what needs to change to create improved performance relating directly to the team’s contribution to the achievement of the Clinical Objectives. It is the team’s responsibility to update the board.

It is NOT just a notice board.

Results The boards have been rolled out across all clinical departments and follow the same basic principles but are tailored to the team needs. The services/teams are more actively engaged with the clinical services strategic business plan and links organisational objectives and policies to implementation. Each information or ‘Get on’ Board is supported by monthly briefings to discuss performance, celebrate success, review and update.

Clinical team leaders are using the information ‘Get On’ Boards to guide their teams to problem areas. Feedback from teams indicate that the boards are improving team performance.

Conclusion These boards have encouraged whole team engagement with clinical services strategy/strategic business plan and staff values. Visual status is clear and is understood and owned by front line staff.

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