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P-23 Hospice pride
  1. Gemma Allen1,
  2. Sharon Hudson2,
  3. Alice Spearing3,
  4. Mark Jones4,
  5. Suzanne McArthur5,
  6. Jenni Fryer6 and
  7. Marianne Grant7
  1. 1Mary Stevens Hospice, Stourbridge, UK
  2. 2St Mary’s Hospice, Birmingham, UK
  3. 3St Richard’s Hospice, Worcester, UK
  4. 4John Taylor Hospice, Birmingham, UK
  5. 5Marie Curie Hospice West Midlands, Solihull, UK
  6. 6St Giles Hospice, Sutton Coldfield, UK
  7. 7Compton Care, Wolverhampton, UK


Background Previous joint working between member hospices of the ‘Midlands Community Engagement Network’ led to a collaborative community development approach attending Pride 2019 as one united group.

Aim To support the LGBT community, representing individual hospices and demonstrating partnership working, whilst promoting the message of supporting all communities to ensure everyone has access to good palliative and end of life care. The group aspired to raise awareness of hospice care in a non-discriminatory way, promoting and celebrating equality and diversity of the LGBT community.

Methods and results

  • Hospice float and walking group at Birmingham Pride parade 2019;

  • Seven hospices worked collaboratively;

  • Well represented and supported on the day with a mix of over seventy members of staff and volunteers;

  • ‘Preparing for tomorrow, living for today’ joint message;

  • 1000 stickers handed out asking people how they would like to be remembered;

  • Hospice heart selfie board used;

  • Reach of event magnified by PR and social media, locally and nationally;

  • A hashtag #HospicePride used and adopted by other hospice pride events across the UK;

  • Impact of event went beyond the actual parade, across all seven localities and nationally;

  • Led to potential collaboration with other hospices, together we can achieve more approach;

  • Internally hospices involved reported positive response and feedback from staff;

  • Enriched engagement with LGBT community;

  • Future joint working planned.

Conclusion Pride offered a valuable opportunity to work collaboratively between hospices with persons working in community development roles, all dedicated to widening the reach and access of palliative and end of life care for the LGBT community. This work can be easily replicated amongst other hospices; establishing beneficial links and demonstrating a national message of hospices providing bespoke, person-centred care that meets individual needs.

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