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P-253 Driving improvement within the hospice. Impact of the patient led assessment of the care environment (PLACE)
  1. Michaela Sen and
  2. Jan Lessons
  1. Saint Francis Hospice, Romford, UK


Background PLACE is an NHS Improvement Initiative which was introduced in 2013. It assesses the quality of an organisation’s environment, putting patients’ views at the forefront to assess how the environment supports the provision of care. PLACE assesses privacy and dignity, food and hydration, cleanliness and building maintenance. It looks at the extent to which the environment can support the provision of care for those with dementia or those with a disability.

Aim The aim of undertaking PLACE is to provide a snap-shot of how Saint Francis Hospice (SFH) is performing in relation to a variety of non-clinical activities which impact on the person’s experience of their care.

Method A Steering Group was established in 2015 to provide leadership and oversee annual implementation of PLACE. Patient assessors are recruited in consultation with clinical teams. NHS Digital (2018) stipulates that ‘the number of staff should not exceed the number of patient assessors’. Training for the assessors is provided. PLACE is undertaken using specified criteria. Scorecards are completed and agreed by the assessors. Data collected is inputted into a central NHS Digital database. On receipt of results the Steering Group agree and own an action plan. The outcome of the PLACE assessment is communicated to the organisation. Progress of the action plan is monitored by the Steering Group and reported accordingly.

Results By making relevant changes results have improved year on year.


Cleanliness: 100%

Food: 95.98%

Organisation food: 93.29%

Ward food: 98.59%

Privacy dignity and wellbeing: 100%

Condition appearance and maintenance: 99.68%

Dementia: 98.24%

Disability: 97.12%

NHS Digital publish all results to demonstrate how hospices are performing in relation to each other.

Conclusion All people using a service should be cared for with dignity and respect in a safe and clean environment. Striving to maintain and improve our standards via PLACE will continue to enhance the quality of our service being provided.

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