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P72 Translation into spanish, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of an advance care planning self-efficacy scale: preliminary results
  1. C Lasmarias1,
  2. A Aradilla-Herrero1,
  3. M Subirana-Casacuberta2,
  4. S Ela2,
  5. S Delgado3 and
  6. X Gómez-Batiste4
  1. 1Chair of Palliative Care, Barcelona, El Salvador
  2. 2Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, Vic, Spain
  3. 3St Luke’s Hospice, London, UK
  4. 4University of Vic, Vic, Spain


Background Advance Care Planning (ACP) explores patients’ values and preferences to plan their care. Barriers for healthcare professionals to start it include fear to talk about end of life or lack of communication skills. Self-efficacy (SE) is a key factor that impacts learning about ACP. Measuring SE would show the impact of training to acquire ACP competencies. The ACP SE scale (ACP_SEs) of 17 items was validated in 2017; there aren’t similar validated tools in Spanish.

Methods The ACP_SEs was forward-backward translated. 10 ACP local experts tested it for clarity and comprehensibility. Validation: we designed a survey with 4 dimensions: sociodemographic variables; knowledge and self-perception on ACP; type of patients attended; 4 scales to predictive validity: ACP_SEs (Baughman, 2017); Trait Meta-Mood_s 24 (Salovey and Mayer, 1995); Personal Competence_s (Wallston, 1992); Coping with Death_s (Bugen, 1980). Participants: 5,500 professionals from 4 scientific societies: Palliative and Primary Care (3 societies); Geriatrics/Gerontologic (1society). Reliability will be determined by intraclass correlation coefficients, the measurement will be compared by T’Student and internal consistency by Cronbach’s α. Test-retest reliability will be quantified with a 4-week interval.

Results After the translation/adaptation process, the ACP_SEs has 19 items. New variables include to involve patients in ACP and to register ACP adequately. In a pilot with 47 professionals, consistency was α=0.909. The results will confirm the scale’s validity and show how professionals rate the ACP process.

Conclusion A validated ACP_SEs in Spanish will allow measuring the impact of training programs designed to implement ACP in the Spanish-speaking context.

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