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OP94 Standardized patients for the ACP-facilitator qualification: enhance your training
  1. K Götze1,
  2. S Otten2 and
  3. J In der Schmitten1
  1. 1Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
  2. 2CoMed Communication in medical education


Summary of workshop In 2017, after delivering some 14 ACPacilitator workshops in 3 years, we redesigned our facilitator workshop to a 72h-training incl. 24h of a standardized patient (SP) – supported role-play training that allows to teach ACP-specific attitudes and skills, with a focus on identifying and adequately responding to emotional barriers.

In an interactive workshop approach, we will first share and discuss the process and lessons of developing SP roles, training the SP, working with the SP-supported facilitator training, caring for SP in the field, and developing a transferrable SP-trainer-trainer system to support ACP-facilitator-qualification at six German-speaking facilitator training sites. Secondly, the participants will work in small groups on developing criteria for meaningful rolescripts and practice writing one. Thirdly, we will present a role-play and thereby demonstrate the interactive training technique that we developed for our workshops.

Learning objectives Think about standard and challenging ACP-Situations

Appreciate what SP need in order to do a good job

Write small sequences of a SP role-script

Identify the required steps and depth a SP-training needs to really make a change in teaching complex conversations

Experience interactive SP-Training

Anticipated outcome of the workshop

After the workshop, the participants will …

… understand the SP-training that needs to be done in order to qualify them for their role in ACP workshops

… be aware of interactive trainer techniques that allow effective learning

… be inspired to include SP-supported training elements in their facilitator training, or enhance existing trainings.

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