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O-24 End of life care and decision making: public knowledge, needs and preferences in wales
  1. Ishrat Islam,
  2. Anthony Byrne and
  3. Annmarie Nelson
  1. Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK


Introduction A prudent approach to provide quality end of life care (EoLC) advocates for active participations of the patients in designing the service (Wynne, n.d.). Patients and carers demand for improvements in decision-making at the EoLC (Sinuff et al, 2015). But there is a lack of evidence on understanding of people’s attitudes towards EoLC and shared decision-making (Hajizadeh, Uhler, Herman, et al., 2016).

Aim To increase understanding of people’s views, feelings and preferences around EoLC and decision making.

Method An online survey was conducted using an electronic survey tool. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to perform data analysis.

Results 2210 people (Age: Mean ±SD; 55±14 years) participated in the survey, 43% of those were members of the public, 29% were patients/carers, and 23% were health professionals. 49% of respondents thought that available EoLC and palliative care was inadequate and only 31% believed that people could access these facilities. More than 60% people did not know if cultural/religious/ spiritual needs were met during EoLC. 58% believed that end of life care for older people should have equal priority for the NHS. 43% of respondents did not know where to get the support if someone close to him/her were to die. Only 41% believed that people could take part in decision-making around EoLC though 85% of respondents felt confident to get involved in EoLC decision-making. 82% thought that their preference should take priority over wishes of others, 61% considered that involving others in the EoLC decision making of using life–supporting technology would place extra burden on them whereas 27% considered that this would limit their privacy.

Conclusions Understanding public attitudes is essential to understanding changing contexts of care. Developing a need-based EoLC model will be innovative and enhances an effective service delivery.

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