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P-163 Motivation, commitment, challenge – evolving a 24-hour advice line to a community response service
  1. Gayle Roberts,
  2. Natalie Pepperall Wood,
  3. Wendy Gray,
  4. Jane Radnor Ortiz and
  5. Laura Wilson
  1. St Margaret’s Hospice, Taunton, UK


Background In line with national guidance and the 2015–2020 ‘Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care’, the hospice developed a successful patient 24 hour advice line with an evolving county-wide community response service. This has involved reviewing the existing advice line service and resulted in expansion of the current team to ensure continuity and resilience within the service.

Aims Respond appropriately to patients, carers and health care professionals, advising on symptom control, providing reassurance, emotional and spiritual support. Enable the right care at the right time and in the right place. Reduce inappropriate hospital admissions.

Method Dedicated palliative care nurse telephone support and response triage. Governance, supervision and training in place with oversight by the line manager. Review of unmet need, plaudits and complaints – identify gaps.


  • Growing number of care homes utilising the service with reduced hospital admissions and described as a lifeline for patients and carers

  • Promote and respect patients’ preferred place of care through timely assessment and links with other out of hours services

  • Review of hospice community nursing role out of hours and integrated working with other services.

Conclusion Using the advice line as a coordination hub, community hospice care will expand collaboratively with other services, sharing motivation and commitment to improve timely outcomes for patients in their preferred place of care and support to the wider care community.

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