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P-63 OACC one year on
  1. Michaela Sen and
  2. Claude Chidiac
  1. Saint Francis Hospice, Romford, UK


Background The Outcome Assessment Complexity Collaborative (OACC) is a validated suite of outcome measures that is aimed to measure, demonstrate and improve patients’ and caregivers’ outcomes. Following the initial phase of its implementation at Saint Francis Hospice utilising Kotter (2007) eight step model of change, the established Steering Group continues to sustain and institute change, with a focus on providing effective leadership to oversee the embedding and anchoring of the measures within all clinical services.

Aim To embed and anchor the OACC Suite of Outcome Measures within all clinical services at Saint Francis Hospice.

Method The project lead from each service provides support and any problems identified are reported to and addressed by the Steering Group. Compliance has been monitored through audit. Relevant policies, standards of practice and assessment documentation have been reviewed and revised. Training is incorporated within the clinical induction programme for new staff. Constant feedback from clinical staff and updates on IT reporting developments continue to be sought, recorded and brought to the Steering Group.

Results Some challenges have been identified relating to IT reporting, one measure has required review to ensure it fits and supports the demand of the workload within a team and compliance with the timing of the use of the measures is also under review for another individual team. All clinical teams are incorporating the use of OACC within their practice and this is leading to a transformational change in both the delivery of service for individual teams and for the organisation as a whole.

Conclusion By displaying effective leadership, supporting review and development of processes and reinforcing change, OACC is being successfully used at Saint Francis Hospice and is playing a crucial role in further improving the quality, efficiency and availability of palliative care for our service users.

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