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This programme, funded by the Burdett Trust, used an adapted version of the (QELCA)© course. Its aim was to develop the leadership skills of inpatient managers. The group visited and observed external NHS leaders in both hospital and in a prison environment. There was a combination of classroom learning and practice experience. An action plan was then formulated and implemented using Action Learning over a six month period.
Methods A five day programme (three days classroom based and two placement days). This was followed up with six action learning sets over the following six months. Each set was a two-hour period, where individuals’ action learning was reviewed and summarised. Risk and obstacles were reflected upon and new action plans made if needed. The group was divided into two, each group having the same lead for the entire programme.
Results Individual and team objectives enabled the managers to lead in the change management of:
Standardising daily board rounds
Review of nursing handover processes
The development of the role of a ‘discharge coordinator’
Improving access for BME patients
Supporting staff to goal set with patients
Undertake the leadership of key clinical skills – reviewing practice and policies e.g., tracheostomy care and Central venous access devices
Reviewing processes with the HR department surrounding the management of sickness
Setting an inpatient nursing action plan to support the hospice’s strategic priories for 2017–2018.
Over the six months action learning was disrupted by staff leaving and shortages of staff over the summer holidays.
Conclusion All the managers evaluated the programme as a positive learning experience which enabled them to develop and lead practice changes.