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78 Who survives 1 year after hospital admission?
  1. Rosemary Wade,
  2. Helen Balsdon and
  3. Abiramithevi Ponnampalampillai
  1. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Addenbrookes Hospital


As part of a NCPC and ECIP project a day one census was carried out on the 21 st October 2015 and the patients survival followed up for a year. The census included all patients who were inpatients on the day of the census, excluding those in paediatric and maternity services with the main objective to calculate rates of death.

Available data items included demographics, date of death, division and specialty of those involved in care; admission type (planned and unplanned), and frailty scores for the over 75. For patients who died in the year the census identified; resource utilisation data; bed days; admissions and A and E attendances.

Results of the census

858 patients identified in CUHFT on 21 st 2015 (excluding those under the care of paeds and maternity)

Mean age 66.5 years

Percent of female 50.47%

Unplanned admissions 82.28%

Over the following 365 days, of the 858:

Number of patients that died 223 (25.99%)

Number that died in CUH 51 (5.94%)

Median number if A and E attendance 2

The median bed days in the census year 40

The median number of admissions in the census year 3

Higher rates in geriatrics and oncology as expected. Data is being used to engage clinicians in End of LIfe Care and point out that hospitals are in a good position to provide advance care and EOLC planning

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