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25 Is the eelca program a good learning support for spanish professionals?
  1. Maria Teresa Garcia-Baquero Merino,
  2. C. Perez de Oteyza,
  3. Alfredo Dominguez Cruz,
  4. Javier Fiz Galende,
  5. Alberto Tarrãno and
  6. Antonio Ciardo
  1. Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia and Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, Hospital Universitario Getafe, Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz, AECC, AC Osteopatia


B. The eELCA program has been well used to support and further learning in End of Life in the UK in a range of Health and Social care facilities

A. To determine whether the contents and model of eELCA are transferable to suitable group of Spanish professionals

M. We analise a 40 strong cohort of multidisciplinary, multi-level learners looking at data regarding accessibility frequency, hours of module study, end of course survey results, ad hoc comments and requests over the 12 months, recommended reading list use, and the personal individual learning commentaries and reflective practice incorporation. These data were the basis of multivariable knowledge and conceptual algorithms used to compare with those obtained from Spanish Master degrees

C. Those professionals who had access to eELCA had a significantly superior learning curve in 12 months to other courses. e ELCA seems to be an extremely useful program for Spanish learners, although they would like some modules to incorporate Spanish regional and local information.

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