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39 Improving coordination of care – marie curie nursing service london and cmc
  1. Debbie Ripley
  1. Marie Curie, London, UK


Background Marie Curie community nurses and health care assistants provide care to terminally ill patients and their families in people’s homes. Due to different computer systems used by NHS trusts it is a challenge to access up to date patient information.

In 2016 Marie Curie as a national provider of end of life care applied for a grant and was awarded £1 million from NHS digital to improve nursing care and productivity within the community. This money was used to purchase a tablet for all community staff.

Coordinate My Care (CMC) is an NHS database set up in 2012 for urgent care plans to be created for patients to record and share wishes that healthcare professionals can share and access 24/7. CMC is the only London wide data base London Ambulance Service use.

Of the 19 000 care plans created to date in London 75% of people have died where they wanted to.

Marie Curie Nursing Service provides care across all 32 London Boroughs.

Care is currently commissioned 1:1 in patient’s homes 10 pm–7 am.

Marie Curie also has two x overnight rapid response services based at Greenwich Hospice and Meadow House Hospice in Ealing. Rapid response provides multiple visits overnight to patients and their families who need symptom control and support.

All Marie Curie nurses are being trained to have access to CMC via their Marie Curie tablets.

A pilot in nursing homes in South London is being discussed where Marie Curie nurses will be helping staff and patients write their own high-quality care plans.


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