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P-242 Implementing a project to ensure success when changing practice on an in patient-unit
  1. Wendy Pepper,
  2. Stacey Bennel,
  3. Angie Morris,
  4. Rebecca Bhatia,
  5. Chris Krajniewski and
  6. Sue Thorne
  1. Dorothy House Hospice Care, Bradford on Avon, UK


Background Following a review recommendation and to ensure that the in-patient unit was in line with all other departments within the organisation a project was launched to become a paper-light department whilst ensuring successful change management.

Aims To develop a system with agreed terms of reference and budget which focussed on process, reducing duplication, education, safety, equipment, ergonomics and innovation. Also a system that operated in real time and evidenced safety, productivity, capacity, dependency and quality with improved communication between internal and external settings, reducing patient risk and increasing efficiency maximising professionals care time.

Methods A project sponsor from the executive team and project lead were delegated. A core working group was developed and terms of reference agreed. A project plan incorporating risk assessments were produced with task and completion dates which became an essential working document. Monthly meetings were held and communicated to the in-patient unit team and wider organisation. A SystmOne expert was sourced and given protected time 2.5 days a week to work on the design of the system in full consultation with in-patient unit staff ensuring team involvement from the outset. Equipment was sourced and trialled. A group of champions were chosen and trained on the new system. Extensive training was rolled out to all staff and a ‘go live’ date identified. Supernumerary champion support was available for all shifts for the first two weeks following this date. Standard Operating procedures for downtime were put in place and communicated.

Results A very successful implementation of a significant cultural change with no resistance from the team which has achieved the aims.

Conclusions Support and protected time was key, alongside involving the team and listening to their ideas and fears from the outset. By providing champions to work alongside staff they felt secure and protected in their learning

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