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P-215 The shakespeare hospice transitional care service innovation in practice
  1. Angie Arnold and
  2. Hazel Godwin
  1. The Shakespeare Hospice, Stratford upon Avon, UK


Background In 2014 a bespoke Young People’s Hub was opened within our adult hospice setting to provide transitional care. This was the culmination of three years’ preparatory work, including consultation with life-limited young people. This model of care is unique within the adult hospice setting and was recognised in 2016 by winning a prestigious national award from Glaxo Smith Kline in association with the King’s Fund.

Aims The aim of the service is to provide a seamless transition for young people with life-limiting conditions aged between 16–24 years of age. The focus is to provide specialist, age-appropriate respite day care that supports every individual to achieve their maximum potential.

Method Consultation took place with all key stakeholders from health, education and social care to provide a homely social hub. Within this bespoke facility is also a wet room and specialist equipment to enable some of our young people, who do not have these facilities at home, to relax and bathe. Counselling rooms; play therapy room; a sensory room and a courtyard garden are also provided.

Conclusion Whilst developing this model of care, we reviewed our vision and mission statements to incorporate this new service. Alongside the transitional care service, the Young People’s Hub also houses a Children’s Bereavement Service and our Young Carers support group. Since its inception at the Shakespeare Hospice, we have received referrals from Warwickshire, Birmingham, Solihull, Worcestershire and Oxfordshire. Our unique model of care is well known within the West Midlands Region and our team have presented our journey in developing transitional care on many occasions at various events across the UK.

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