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P-168 Use of diagnostic ultrasound in a hospice at home team – a service evaluation
  1. Jana Jeyakumar
  1. Princess Alice Hospice, Esher, UK


Background Ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that can supplement clinical examination. Members of the Princess Alice Hospice medical team have attended a course which teaches clinicians how to use ultrasound to assess for the presence of ascites and whether the urinary bladder contains fluid. The hospice has purchased a portable ultrasound machine.

Aims To review whether ultrasounds are being performed for Hospice at Home (H@H) patients and what impact this has.

Method A retrospective service evaluation of the use of the ultrasound in H@H patients over a one-year period.

Results 10 ultrasounds were performed in H@H patients over one year, seven were in the patient’s home and three were in hospice outpatient appointments. Nine ultrasounds were performed to assess for ascites and one to assess for urinary retention.

Of the nine ultrasounds performed to assess for ascites, three demonstrated large volume of ascites that was amenable to drainage. Of these three patients, one had a drain inserted on the hospice inpatient unit and two were referred to hospital for drainage. The other six patients were found to have small volume or no ascites. The patient who had an ultrasound to assess for urinary retention was found not to have a distended bladder.

Conclusion The use of ultrasound in H@H patients does influence patient care and supports clinical decision making. The value of hospices performing ultrasounds comes from the ability to avoid unnecessary visits to hospital for ultrasounds, as well as avoiding unnecessary admissions to the hospice inpatient unit or hospital for assessment or drainage of ascites. Rapidly establishing whether a patient has ascites and whether it is amenable to drainage in the community, reduces delays and distress for the patient, as well as reducing the burden on the wider health service.

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