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P-83 The journey begins. taking the first steps into portfolio studies. a hospice perspective
  1. Toni Flanagan and
  2. Katie Taroni
  1. St Giles Hospice, Lichfield, UK


Hospice UK (2013) acknowledged that research is not universally welcomed, encouraged or embedded within hospice care and highlighted the need for hospices to become more involved in research in the future. St Giles Hospice set out in 2014 to become a research active hospice. As a hospice that covers a wide geographical area providing a comprehensive service that includes two inpatient units, day hospice, specialist community team, hospice at home, family support and bereavement services, we are ideally placed to have access to hundreds of potential participants for clinical and non-clinical research studies.

How did St Giles Hospice become research active? A research operational policy was developed that set out a clear process for undertaking research within the hospice and led to the set up of a Research Forum which includes a research ethics committee. The research forum was set up with the following purpose: To develop and oversee the effective implementation of research at St Giles Hospice as part of the clinical governance process. To review all research proposals in accordance with the Operational Research Policy and Procedure. To ensure the protection of patients, carers, staff and volunteers through appropriate research governance processes which comply with the principles of The Research Governance Framework.

What St Giles Hospice has learnt from being part of portfolio studies: With the support from lead sites and the NIHR Clinical Research Network the hospice was able to learn the processes that are involved in conducting research. The organisational skills and time required to maintain records such as site files. The organisation was able to explore the research culture within the hospice. Patient engagement and appetite for research has been high. A better understanding about how high quality evidence is generated.

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