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Context The concept of protected learning time is not new. However, when organisational commitments become overwhelming, education is usually first to be side-lined. Historically, our protected learning time was clinically focussed and excluded many staff in our organisation.
TICL sessions were born in January 2016 and co-ordinated by the education team. For one hour every Tuesday afternoon, all staff and volunteers are welcome, and encouraged, to attend information sessions on varied topics.
It is delivered in a relaxed and informal environment. The sessions encourage discussion, strengthen working relationships, break down boundaries across different aspects of the organisation, share experiences, improve morale, improve health and well-being and provide exposure to different subjects.
Aim To provide all staff across the organisation an opportunity to acquire new information and knowledge for professional and personal development.
Where possible, we choose topics to match local and national awareness days.
These sessions provide presentation experience opportunities, utilise hidden staff skills and engage local service providers. The sessions also provide a forum to share news and celebrate events. Recent topics have included:
What is social media?
Skin cancer awareness
Eating salt
Walk to the park
Sharing stories
Desert island discs – music reflection
Laughter therapy
Recording your learning
Choices after death from a local funeral director.
Future topics include flower arranging, computer skills and continuing professional development sessions.
Evaluation and sustainability Feedback suggests the sessions are appreciated, useful and informative. Sessions are varied and interesting. Staff are encouraged to suggest topics. Directors are supportive and encouraging of staff attendance to these sessions. Staff can attend without guilt. Given numerous part time staff, we will trial alternating days to be more inclusive. Clinical training now stays in clinical areas.
All sessions incur no cost as all external speakers provide their services free of charge.
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