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P-64  The challenges involved in embedding the pilot palliative care dataset within an electronic patient record (systmone)
  1. Sarah Wells
  1. Marie Curie Hospice, West Midlands, Solihull, UK


Background Our hospice was accepted as a pilot site for the Pilot Palliative Care Data set by Public Health England (PHE) in July 2015. The hospice was paper-lite using the electronic patient record system-SystmOne (S1).

Aim To embed any future dataset within S1 to ensure that data was captured within standard working practices enhance patient care as well as improve reporting of patient outcomes.

Methods There were three distinct elements to this pilot project:

  1. Changing culture and the language used by staff

    The pilot dataset included measures of performance status (Karnofsky), complexity (Phase of illness) and patient outcome measures. Champions identified within each staff discipline and education was provided on all measures.

  2. Configuration of S1 for data collection

    Extensive reconfiguration of S1 was required involving incorporation of the concept of “Spells of care”, creation of templates and protocols

  3. Creation of reporting tools

    The granularity of data for the dataset required a different method of reporting to that used previously. This enabled access to a huge amount of raw data but has required an external data analyst company to produce the required reports

Results Seven months after commencing the pilot:

  1. Changing the culture and language is taking time. This requires a stepwise approach but gradually these elements are becoming embedded across all sectors

  2. SystmOne has now been configured to include all the data items required.

  3. Reports were submitted to PHE but are now being fine-tuned to meet our needs.

Interpretation and conclusions To embed a new dataset within an EPR including all of the above elements takes longer than the six months anticipated. Although the palliative care dataset will not be taken forward, the elements of it are proving to be valuable resources that we feel will improve patient care and enable us to evidence the quality of care provided.

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