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Introduction Effective teams improve quality, whilst reducing staff stress levels. The degree of self-rated teamwork is also related to patient and carer satisfaction. Teams do not work just because they exist and conflict is both inevitable and healthy. We undertook a review of our own team working strategies with the aim to improve collaborative working, inter and intra-team communication, time management and understand the diversity within our team. Overall, we aimed to uncover potential and identify opportunities to develop.
What did we do?
Completed an anonymised survey evaluating how the team currently functions.
Developed a purpose statement and operating principles.
Team service objectives were reviewed.
Time management training.
Future Plans
Explore different personality types and communication styles within the team.
Explore systems and working patterns that impact upon capacity.
Develop a community map of the services that the team work with to show dependant relationships or those that need to develop or be influenced.
Conclusion The project has been well received by the team with members engaging and communicating more effectively with each other. It has highlighted the need to engage individuals and the whole team to enjoy a joint sense of purpose and pride in the service they collectively deliver.
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