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Making in house teaching videos initially to be seen within the study hospice, but then by the wider hospice community.
Introduction This project has produced over 50 short videos for an outlay of £120 within a 2 month time span. They are made to communicate subjects such "best practice”, “how I do my job" and "top tips",
We are now exchanging the most frequently viewed with another hospice.
Aims To produce a body of short videos from within hospice clinical teams, with the aim of passing around ideas and ways of working between individuals and teams. Then as the quality of the content grows to share those videos with other external palliative care teams.
Method and nature of work Using a simple point and shoot camera (cameraman training 60 s),staff across all teams and pay scales have shot videos (average length 3 min). The video making is a quick and user friendly process done at staff`s convenience. The content comes from the individual`s expertise and particular interests or as a direct response to questions submitted by staff, e.g. 7 videos by our clinical psychologist were generated this way.
Results The videos are diverse, interesting and well watched by the hospice team. A great hook for the watcher is that these are colleagues having ago at communicating something they feel is important.
Everyone gets the respect they deserve for having ago and many surprise themselves with presenting skills they didn’t know they had.
Conclusion The study hospice has found this effective. We are now working with another hospice challenging them to make videos we can share. We argue this is equivalent to getting a guest speaker from another place at little cost and available for repeated use. Through this conference we would like to meet and invite other hospices to joinus making a contribution to knowledge exchange and co-working.