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P-175 One chance to teach it right
  1. Karen Groves,
  2. Claire Finnegan,
  3. Elaine Deeming and
  4. Cath Godfrey
  1. Queenscourt Hospice, Southport, UK


'One Chance to Get it Right', 2014, outlines 5 Priorities of Care for Dying People in England,highlighting the need for education to deliver high quality care. An integrated specialist palliativecare service with designated education team, supports community, hospital and care homes within awell-circumscribed area in the North of England. We describe the educational response to this newguidance.

Aims To provide local priorities of care training to all staff involved.

Method A training package, developed to outline the 5 priorities of care for dying patients, is delivered by ateam, within specialist palliative care services, to any staff – health care assistant to consultant,therapist to GP, cleaner to chief executive, across community, hospital and care homes. Strong Trust Executive Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups leadership ensures staff are released fortraining.

Training emphasises the need for clear communication. Further education and support is delivered toreinforce learning following recent changes to the Individualised Plan for Care for Patients thoughtlikely to be Dying. All who receive training are given a colourful handout and certificate of training.

Supporting posters are displayed throughout the hospital, community, offices and care homes.

Business cards have been developed to remind staff of useful terminology for speaking to patients and families.

Results In the first 3 months training has been delivered training to 1696 individuals – 723 hospital, 392 community and 484 care home staff. We have visited and trained GPs in 76% of local GP surgeries.

Training has been well received with a surge of enthusiasm and pride for the end of life care givenlocally.

Conclusion A large-scale education drive has enabled delivery of Care of the Dying Training to large numbersof staff in a short period. This has made staff aware of their duties and responsibilities and generated a renewed culture where clinical and non-clinical staff strive for excellent care.

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