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There is a national requirement for Adult Hospices to identify strategies to meet the needs of young people with life challenging illness transitioning from paediatric services to adult Hospice care. St Luke’s Hospice has successfully adopted an organisation wide approach with an emphasis on partnership working and collaboration with local providers of care for young people facing Transition.
A Risk Assessment was completed and registration approved by the CQC to offer care for young people from the age of 16 years within the adult Hospice services. A Hospice Transition steering group was established in 2013 with representation from J’s Hospice (for young people aged 16–40 years), LittleHaven’s Children’s Hospice and the Community Macmillan Paediatric CNS. Through this group, a number of successful initiatives have been achieved including:
Adaptation of an in-patient unit bedroom with décor and equipment aimed at younger patients.
Specific day of the week for young people to attend within Day Hospice with age appropriate activities.
Specialist Nurse Practitioner with a focus on maximising accessibility and flexible services based on the needs of the young person.
Joint link roles occupied by the Hospice Youth Worker and In-patient unit manager to ensure a seamless, co-ordinated approach.
Formation of the Clan Club, a monthly facilitated therapeutic support group for children and adolescents with cancer, their siblings and parents.
A 2 day training programme for clinical staff including issues around caring for young people with malignant and non-malignant conditions.
Transition discussion forums for non-clinical staff and volunteers
Young people’s leaflet developed.
Care pathway established.
A Transition Showcase event held in May 2015 to promote dissemination of learning so far.
Future plans include enhancing scope for partnership working and reciprocity between services.