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P-168 User involvement – no tick boxes here. not a one off, but genuine partnership
  1. Tanya Curry
  1. St Clare Hospice, Harlow, UK


Aims User Involvement at St Clare Hospice is vital to the development of the Hospice and is more than a tokenistic gesture.

The CEO, Trustees and Directors were determined to set up a range of opportunities for users to be involved in recognition of the diversity and challenge individuals can bring to the Hospice work and culture.

Method Assessment showed that user involvement was almost non-existent at the Hospice. It was vital in growing the organisation and developing the culture of a community based hospice that we truly embraced and listened to the voice of service users.

Recommendation was to use a whole system approach identifying potential users to become part of the involvement forum. An open system promotes growth and change (2) some of the willing volunteers were people receiving care from the Hospice, however the majority were initially complainants, who the CEO chose to meet and develop a rapport with, truly embracing their views to benefit the Hospice. Members have become valuable critics and strong supporters.

User involvement model The model adopted was to promote feedback and ensure users were involved at every opportunity. The group meet on a bi monthly basis and is chaired by the CEO. There is always a member involved with any Hospice projects, taking part in interview panels, joining CCG and lead provider staff on their user groups and taking part in Trustee provider visits. The group reports to the Board and a Trustee is one of the group members, this supports valuable two way learning.

Conclusion The group review showed it has empowered users to have a voice, aids learning of the members, staff and trustees, supports hospice growth and development projects, increases user understanding and strengthens the knowledge of key ambassadors.

Evaluation is currently taking place.

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