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P-138 Thursday group – hospice nurses journal club
  1. Elizabeth Attwood
  1. St Peter's Hospice, Bristol, UK


Background The Thursday Group is a quarterly journal club for pre and post registration nurses and HCAs. It was introduced as a forum to discuss and share evidence for nursing practice hospice wide.


  1. Critique clinical research

  2. Reflect on strengths and weaknesses of current practice

  3. Share learning and best nursing practice Hospice wide

Approach The journal club is based on St Christopher’s Hospice End of Life Ejournal and is facilitated by RNs.46 staff comprising pre and post registration nurses and HCAs from CNS, IPU, Day Hospice, Hospice at Home and Access teams attended the 5 pilot sessions over 15 months.

Outcomes 40/46 evaluated the sessions. 100% strongly agreed or agreed that best practice was shared and that ideas were generated on how practice can be improved.

Participants cited examples of their learning, as below.

Shared learning through discussion, e.g.

Good to have open discussions which generated in depth analysis... thinking/reflection and ideas’

Improved insight and learning encompassed holistic issues, e.g.

‘Impact of anxiety’

‘How patients feel about altered body image issues’

‘Issues faced by ethnic minorities’

‘Mouth care and products’

Validating current skills, e.g.

‘Being with patient’

‘Prioritise sitting and listening to patients’

Learning for future practice, e.g.

‘Prompts to open/start conversations’

‘Be mindful of further exploration’

‘Try and work holistically all the time’

‘Think, have I addressed spirituality in my work today?’

‘Encourage more HCA and RNs to attend from all clinical service departments’

‘It’s great!’ ‘Thank you!’

Application to hospice practice Attendance at the Thursday group has stimulated critical thinking and learning about research and best practice. Discussions generated ideas and the motivation to sustain and improve practice for the future. It is hoped that shared learning will promote a coordinated approach to best practice hospice wide.

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