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Living with Confidence – Complementary Therapy Workshops with a difference.
Background As the future role of Hospices continue to evolve offering self-management support (SMS) for our patients and carers has become integral to service development. Confidently coping and stepping forward with the effects of illness and treatment on appearance and sense of wellbeing is paramount for patients.
“When you have so much taken away from you and energy wise you are just struggling to get by having something to focus on was so beneficial.”
Aims Creating a safe, informative, empowering environment offering expert guidance and support in a fun, relaxed style.
Creating an intimate mood that introduced the positive aspects of sharing fears and concerns in a secure and therapeutic environment.
Method A series of three 2 h workshops offered to a maximum of six patients.
Advertised via our Spring Centre, local press releases and information sessions at Breast Cancer Support groups.
Attendees selected based on current pathway and confidence levels.
Each workshop was tailored to the holistic needs of the individual and included:
Colour and Style
Skin and Make Up Care
Hair, Wig and Nail Care
Conclusion 23 attendees to date, all completed an evaluation form immediately following each workshop.
Feedback: Enjoyable, informative sessions, left feeling uplifted.
Pilot for third workshop planned for the Autumn.
Recommendations Developing new and innovative ways of working with our patients is vital. Sourcing the ideal volunteer professional lead for each workshop has been challenging and a key element of the project. Involving a lengthy induction and training period for the facilitators. Securing funding for the products has also been both time consuming and challenging.
Future workshops aim to reach a wider audience by forging stronger relationships with GPs and specialists clinics.