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P-70 Engaging staff in a specialist hospice in caring for patients with advanced dementia
  1. Susan Salt,
  2. Anita Griggs and
  3. Vivienne Trott
  1. Trinity Hospice, Blackpool, UK


In 2013 a survey of non-qualified staff within one 20 bedded hospice was conducted as part of understanding their concerns about meeting the needs of patients with advanced cancer.

In response to the survey which showed that staff on the whole underestimated the palliative care needs of this group and expressed concerns around how to communicate with someone with significant cognitive impairment.

The hospice has run a number of training events around dementia open to both qualified and non-qualified staff and has become part of the “dementia friends’” initiative. In addition the in-patient unit underwent an extensive refurbishment which aimed at making the environment more suitable for those with cognitive and visual impairment. The survey was repeated in 2015 across the same groups of non-qualified staff to see if there had been any change in their understanding and perceptions.

A total of 65 staff and volunteers have attended a “let’s respect” Course run by the local council.

A total of 90 staff and volunteers have become dementia friends.

Abstract P-70 Table 1

The interventions undertaken appear to have raised awareness with more staff willing to be involved in the survey and greater understanding of the condition. Further analysis of the results will be presented at the conference.

Further work is being done to see what additional support can be given to address the on-going concerns of the non-qualified staff and enable them to attend appropriate training to build their confidence.

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