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O-12 How do we know advance care planning (ACP) works?
  1. Stephanie C Anderson
  1. Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, USA


Topic for submission ACP and health system; Public health, health policy, health economics, Micro-analysis of ACP; Quality.

Background How do we know ACP works? The Respecting Choices (RC) program has been designed to assist individuals in making informed healthcare decisions, select and prepare a qualified healthcare proxy and honour these informed decisions. Over two decades of experience with assisting organisations, communities and individuals worldwide, RC has demonstrated sustained success in implementing ACP practices that support informed healthcare decisions. This model has been replicated in many different healthcare settings demonstrating the strongest research evidence and the widest generalizability toward ACP in improving outcomes of patient care than any other research. Return on investment using the RC ACP model of care is multifaceted (e.g., clinical, financial, experience) and assists organisations to achieve their mission and vision along with organisational, system and community goals.

Aim This breakout session is intended to review how we know this evidence-based ACP program works. The speaker will briefly discuss and highlight evidence-based outcomes and experiential evidence from studies around the world and use the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim framework to describe outcome. The Triple Aim is a framework developed to describe an approach to optimising health system performance. Using information from this session may assist to make a case for ACP implementation and the advantages of this approach.

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