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PA32 Family centred health care: a palliative care approach to engage communities to address the burden of hiv in tanzania abstract
  1. Manase Frank1,
  2. Diwani Msemo2,
  3. Elias Muganyizi3,
  4. Paulo Mbando4 and
  5. Alick Kayange5
  1. 1The Community Center for Preventive Medicine
  2. 2Ocean Road Cancer Institute
  3. 3Tanzania Palliative Care Association
  4. 4Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania
  5. 5PASADA


Background Tanzania is one of the countries most devastated by HIV and AIDS in the sub Saharan Africa. The Government of Tanzania has called for a community participation to address the burden of HIV in Tanzania1 however the uptake of this call has been minimal. This paper intends to describe the role of Palliative Medicine in engaging communities to address burden of HIV in Tanzania.

Aim We aim to improve health outcomes of HIV+ children by engaging families through utilisation of palliative care principles in a low resource setting Method Single child with recurrent illness, multiple social spiritual and psychological problems was purposely selected from a pool of HIV+ children attending a PASADA HIV clinic and was offered care through palliative care approach. An interdisciplinary team of health providers was formed, goals of care were identified and care plan developed. Family members empowered with knowledge and skills to live with a HIV+ child and assigned specific role to ensure the boy’s physical, psychological and spiritual needs are met. Through retrospective chart review, clinical meetings, counselling sessions with the child, family and providers information was gathered to enrich our understanding of the process.

Results Goals of care were met: cleared infections, tested for HIV, resumed school, and family unified. Hundreds of children benefited from the experience generated and expansion of the approach was governed by community engagement.

Conclusion Families when empowered have much potentials that can reverse sufferings due to diseases through application of Palliative Care Principles in practice.


  1. Tanzania Commission for AIDS. 2008 Annual Report

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