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Twelve hospices from the ECLIHP Regional group working with Skills for Health as part of a successful bid for £10,000 foa a supported project.
The overall aim of this project will be to improve the quality of care for people with complex palliative and end of life care needs and their families by ensuring 24/7 direct admissions access to specialist inpatient hospice beds and emergency out of hours assessment in the community.
The intention of this project is to support delivery of a flexible and responsive 24/7 hospice admission and assessment service through redesign of the existing workforce to introduce an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) role within the team.
Impact will be measured by agreed Key Performance Indicators
Desired Outcome
a Transferable Role Template for the ANP in Hospice Care defining the skills, competence, learning and development needed to fulfil this role.
an outline Business Case Template to build the case to commissioners of the benefits of the ANP role in improving the quality of care for people with complex palliative and end of life care needs and their families by ensuring 24/7 direct admissions access to specialist inpatient hospice beds and emergency out of hours assessment in the community.
Development of an ANP Transferable Role Template within Hospice Care to be included in the Skills for Health Learning Bank.
Development of a Education and Training Framework to underpin the role.
An outline Business Case Template targeted at Commissioners
Written Job Description for the ANP Role in Hospice Care.
How to achieve the deliverables?
Define role, responsibilities and core job description
Create a Clinical Reference Group and arrange workshops
Develop formal partnership arrangement to support the project
Identify evaluation process
Agree scope of role and map competences/skills (NOS) sign off
Agree core education programme
Conduct baseline evaluation
Complete clinical/technical skills training and competency sign off
Define role, responsibilities in preparing Business Case Template
Agree Business Case and Sign off
Produce project outcome report