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P72 Leaving home - managing change
  1. Karen Clarke
  1. St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne, UK


Background Autumn 2013 the hospice will relocate to its new 20-bedded facility. To have a successful move staff/volunteers need to feel supported and engaged.

Aim Change Management Strategy was implemented to:

  • generate interest, energy and enthusiasm

  • empower managers to take ownership and problem solve

  • engage employees, patients and their families

  • implement the practical steps to ensure safe working practices

  • attract and retain new employees and volunteers whilst ensuring low turnover.

Approach Staff Engagement questionnaire (September 2011) assessed staffs’ preparedness for change.

  1. Change management programme developed based upon Kotter, Lewin and Kübler-Ross.

  2. Communication - briefings; hospice newsletter; team meetings; 1:1’s; Away Days.

  3. Patients Forum worked with the Deputy CEO on all aspects of the new hospice since June 2011.

  4. September 2012 - Day Therapy patient group focused on the new Wellbeing Centre.

  5. Staff/volunteers involvement:

    1. site visits

    2. Farewell Project

    3. furniture and equipment consultation

    4. piloting proposed changes

    5. planning decant strategy

    6. charting hospice’s history

    7. developing operational plans

    8. developing orientation/induction programme.


  • 77 volunteers have confirmed they will relocate

  • <10 staff indicated they will not be relocating

  • Site visit feedback:

    • “gives a feeling of being involved in the change process literally from ‘the ground up’”

    • “incredibly inspiring …really helped to bring the vision to life….will help immensely when having discussions with staff, patients and relatives about the new hospice.”

  • Further outcomes available post move.

Application At a time of unprecedented change in the hospice movement it is important not to lose sight of the impact on staff and volunteers:

One of the greatest costs of change is that impact on the ability of staff to respect and care for others while they feel under threat themselves.” (Iles 2005).

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