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Morning Breakout 2—Palliative Care
  1. C Duck1,
  2. M Boughey1,
  3. K Quinn1 and
  4. J Hall2
  1. 1Centre for Palliative Care, St Vincent's Health and the University of Melbourne
  2. 2Palliative Care, Department of Health, Melbourne, Victoria


Background The Victorian End-of-Life Care Pathways Coordinating Program was established in response to the recommendations of the Department of Health funded project End of Life Care Pathways in Victoria: Report and Recommendations (2011).

Aims ▸ To provide a centralised and coordinated approach to end-of-life care pathway activity in Victoria, focusing on the gold standard Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP).

▸ To support services in planning, implementing and evaluating all end-of-life care pathways (EoLCPs).

Methods We investigated end-of-life care (EoLC) activity across Victoria and ways in which emerging activity could be encouraged, supported and sustained.

Results EoLC activity varies considerably across services and regions, ranging from preliminary exploration to pathways that are firmly embedded in organisational policy, culture and practice. Many of the pathways are registered LCPs or adaptations of the LCP. Others include the Residential Aged Care End of Life Care Pathway.

Resources (current and in development) include:

  • Victorian LCP and Victorian Model Pathway (endorsement from Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute Liverpool is in progress)

  • Suites of generic materials applicable to all EoLCPs

  • National benchmarking through the National Palliative Care Reference Group

  • Opportunities for clinicians implementing EoLCPs to share experiences, including:

    • Databank of EoL activity in Victoria (publically available)

    • E-News

    • Workshops.

Discussion End-of-life care is core business and an integral part of accreditation in most health settings.

Conclusion This programme supports Victorian health services to develop expertise, confidence and consistency in caring for patients and families in the last hours and days of life.

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