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Poster Numbers 242 – 279 – Palliative care: all conditions and all ages: Poster No: 257
What's my role?
  1. Katrina McNamara
  1. ACT and Children's Hospices UK, Bristol, London


Background In 2010, the Department of Health in England made £30m funds available to develop children's palliative care services. ACT, the UK Children's Palliative Care organisation received funding to develop a practice resource for GPs.

Aims The presentation will provide an introduction to the Handbook in Children's Palliative Care for GPs. The resource aims to support GPs in their key role in supporting children and young people with palliative care needs and their families, in understanding the complex needs that they will have, and having an overview of the network of service providers involved and engaged with the wider primary healthcare team. It will also cover the range of ‘What’s my role?' resources which were developed in the wake of the Handbook and provide an introduction to the 30 m stars website which offers access to a range of resources to support services and practitioners in their work with children, young people and their families.

Conclusion A range of resources are available to support primary care practitioners and others as they consider their role in supporting children and young people with life-limiting/life-threatening conditions and their families.

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